Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Information from Suzanne Heinitz-Dodge

From Shirley J. Reimer's The German Research Companion, p. 156:
Microfilmed Card file: Germans from Russia

1750-1943,(Card File of Russian Germans, 1750-1943) are described in the Family
HistoryLibrary Catalog as follows:

'Index cards of ethnic Germans in Russia, arranged alphabetically by surname. 'While not all the cards contain the same amount of information, many of them supply the given name, present address, birth place and date, place and date of death, earlier and present citizenship, place of origin, year of emigration, and the names of ancestors who first emigrated from Germany; places of residence in Russia; year of migration from Russia, earlier occupation and later activities; religion,whether pedigrees exist; name, places and dates of birth, marriage, and death, occupation for spouse; names birthplaces and dates for children; and documentary sources."

Aab-Anton 1335722
Antoni-Bastian, Alexander 1335723
Bastian, Alexander-Bekker
(Becker) 1335724
Blajeff-Bleeck, Alfred 1335725
Bleeck, Alfred-Braun, Ida 1335726
Braun, Ida - Busse, Arthur 1335727
Busse, Arthur - Dietrich 1457135
Dietsch-Eckhard 1457136
Eckhard-Esch 1528980
Esch-Fischer, Joseph 1528981
Fischer, Joseph - Fritz, Eliz.1528982
Fritz, Eliz. - Geissler 1528983

The list goes on through the alphabet with the last entry being Zimmerman,C. - Zyres.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Adding Pictures

This is my grandmother, Catharina Elisabeth Klamm Burghardt, known as Mary or Katie. She was born in Warenburg, Russia, on November 1, 1885. She died October 21,1918, from the Spanish Flu during the pandemic, just before her 33rd birthday. At the time she had nine children.

I just wanted you to see that I can add pictures to this blog if you have things you want to share.
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Monday, April 27, 2009

Member Resources

Sharon White

Beratz, Gottleib, The German Colonies on the Lower Volga, their Origin and Development

Giesinger, Adam, From Catherine to Khrushchev, The Story of Russia's Germans

Kloberdanz, Timothy J. and Rosalinda, Thunder on the Steppe, Volga German Folklife

Koch, Fred C., The Volga Germans

Walters, George J., Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben, We Want to Remain German, The Story of the Volga Germans

Kuche Kochen by AHSGR

Favorite Recipes by AHSGR Southern Nevada Chapter

German Music:
Stille Nacht, CD and Song Book by Salem Congregational Church

Gott Is Die Liebe, CD and Song Book by Salem Congregational Church

The German Singers, Disc 1 and 2

1798 Census of the German Colonies Along the Volga, by Brent Alan Mai

Warenburg census: 1834, 1850, 1857

Laub census: 1834, 1850, 1857

Dinkel census: 1834, 1850

Straub census: 1850, 1857

Pleve, Igor,Einwanderung in das Wolgagebiet 1764-1767 (first settlers list): Volume 1, Volume 4

Annette Reynolds

Sinner, Peter, Germans in the Land of the Volga

Adams, Willi Paul Adams, The GERMAN-AMERICANS An Ethnic Experience

Wandler, Diane J., Handbook For Researching Family Roots (With emphasis on German-Russian Heritage.)

Long, James, the German-Russians, a Bibliography

Gilbert, Martin, Atlas of Russian History (This has some great maps that refer to things which affected the German colonies in Russia.)

Pfeifer census: 1767, 1834, 1857

Shirley Ansley

Weidenweber, Sigrid, The Volga Germans

Kirchner, Walter, A History of Russia

Koch, Fred C., The Volga Germans

Walters, George J., Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben

Anuta, Michael J., Ships of our Ancestors

Weidenweber, Sigrid, Catherine

Pozner, Vladimir, Parting with Illusions

AHSGR, Kuche Kochen

Suzanne Heinitz-Dodge

AHSGR Publications:
2005 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
2006 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
2007 Spring

Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia:
1983 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1984 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1986 Spring
1991 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1992 Spring, Fall, Winter
1993 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1994 Spring, Summer, Winter
1995 Fall
1996 Summer, Fall
1997 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1998 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
1999 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
2000 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
2001 Spring, Summer, Winter
2002 Spring, Summer/Fall, Winter
2003 Spring, Summer

1979, Part 1 & 2
1980, Part 1 & 2
1981, Part 1 & 2
1982, Part 1 & 2
1983, Part 1 & 2
1984, Part 1 & 2
1985, Part 1 & 2
1986, Part 1 & 2
1987, Part 1 & 2
1988, Part 1 & 2
1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, part 2
1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005

German Geneological Digest:
1985 (4), 1986 (4), 1987 (2nd Quarter)


Special thanks to the nominating committee of Suzanne Dodge, Joe Gertge, and Teri Hansen, who did some extra work getting things together for the election of officers. The results are as follows:

President- Carol Harless
President Elect- Bill Dellos
Geneology Chairman- Gwenn Oryall
Recording Secretary- Sharon White

Treasurer- Shirley Ansley
Historian- Annette Reynolds
VP for Publications- Suzanne Heinitz-Dodge

Useful Research Websites

I have a list of websites that may be useful to you in your research. These do not focus on Germans from Russia, but are just overall great resources. Most of us have other lines that we are working on, and these may be helpful. Use or ignore, but here they are:
The World Gen Web
The Genealogy Page
The Genealogy Home Page
National Genealogical Society
National Archives and Records Administration
Kingwood College Library
Kindred Konnections
Genealogy Online
Genealogy Exchange & Surname Registry
Genealogy Book Shop
Genealogy 101
Gen Searcher
Federation of European Family History Societiy
Family Tree Maker
Family Search
Ellis Island
Cyndi\'s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Ancient Faces

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Villages and Surnames

I will continue to add to this list of villages and surnames as the information comes to me. For some of you, I just listed villages because I wasn't sure which village fit with which family name. I will add those when I recieve them. This will allow us to easily see if there are others in the chapter that are researching the same names and villages. If we are aware of what others are searching, we can also keep our eyes open if we find something that might be useful to them.


Balzer: Heisht, Kehm
Dinkel: Nicolausen
Hussenbach: Schneidmuller
Laub: Flach, Reitz, Schuman
Straub: Schneider
Warenburg: Baum, Becker, Constanz, Fertig, Gobel, Hammel, Kaiser, Kisling, Muller, Nickel, Rau, Ries, Seibert, Schiffman, Valentin, Weiershausen, Werner, Zimmerman, Zeichman

Annette Reynolds

Pfeifer: Burghardt, Kissner
Warenburg: Braun, Constanz, Gobel, Klamm, Lehman, Miller/Muller, Neiman/Neumann, Reis/Ries, Schafer, Schmidt, Seibert

Pat and Shirley Ansley

Hussenbach: Scheideman, Starkel (Staiker), Brill

Bill and Karen Dellos


Carol Harless

Alt Posttal:

Darrell and Dee Hert

Neu Msser:

Suzanne Heinitz-Dodge

Surnames/ German Origins/ Russian Village

Baron/ Salzburg/ Kamenka

Deckert/ Zell /Mueller

Hartman/ Seligenstadt/ Kamenka, Driespitz

Heinitz/ Sacksen/ Holstein, Eckheim

Kaul,Kahl/ Buedingen/ Kamenka

Keil/ Bobenhausen, Zwei/ Mueller, Eckheim

Milberger, Muehlberger/ Kurpfalz, Meisenheim/ Grimm, Eckheim

Schaefer/ Oberramstadt/ Kamenka

Schwerdt/ Ober Ramstadt/ Kamenka

Stadler/ Aschaffenburg/ Kamenka

Vogler/ ?/ Holstein

Francis Eickbush

Jagodnaja Polana

Joe Gertge



Teri Hansen




Larry Ingraham





Shawnette Malan



Alt Posttal


Gwen Oryall




Lee Ann Schlager


Neu Donhof


Ron Schroeder

Amanda Schroeder



Darrell Weber


Dee and Darrell Hert

Russian Villages

Alexanderdorf: Hert, Herdt, Stark, and Gable

Dietel: Foos

Hussenbach: Roth

Kolb: Benzel, Koch, and Achziger

Kautz: Benzel, Koch

Neu Messer: Schmidt

Beidel: Ostermiller

Ruderweide: Olfert

Walter: Wiederspahn, Schoessler, Alles, Diehl, Bartholowmeu

German Villages

Salmunster: Schmidt, Auhl, and Wiederspahn

Baursmuhle: Wiederspahn

Engheim: Benzel

Swaben: Alles, Sommer