Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More German Proverbs

If you put out another's candle, you also will be in the dark.

Nobody is trodden upon unless he lies down first.

He who is grateful for a kindness unlocks the door for another.

Never give advice unasked.

Advising is easier than helping.

When you sweep the stairs, you start at the top.

Never trust to another what you should do yourself.

Don't try to fly before you've grown feathers.

The best penitence; never do it again.

If you don't light fires, smoke won't get in your eyes.

Monday, August 18, 2014

August 2014 Meeting

The meeting room at the Whitmore Library has been reserved for August 30th at 1:00 P. M.  The meeting room is in the basement--there is an elevator on the main floor down to the basement.  No food is allowed in the room--only bottled water.  Eat before you come.  Pat and Shirley will do the Bits and Pieces.  Also bring used ink cartridges.  Bill and Karen Dellos will tell us about the AHSGR Lincoln Convention.

Here is the address for the Whitmore Library:
2197 E. Ft. Union (7000 S.)
(You have to turn onto Whitmore Way to get into the library parking lot.)

See you August 30th at 1:00 P. M.