Thursday, May 19, 2016

Reminder: Next chapter meeting will be on June 4, 2016.

47th International Convention of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia

“Before the Storm”

The evolution and life of Germanic colonies from 1763 to 1916

in the Volga, Black Sea and Ukraine areas of the Russian Empire

July 11-16, 2016

Hilton Concord Hotel

1970 Diamond Blvd. • Concord, California

To reserve a room, call (925) 827-2000 or toll-free at 1-800-826-2644. Reserve a

room online at Use the code AHG. The AHSGR group

rate is $119. Register for the convention online at

Explore topics of historical, folkloric and genealogical interest. Listen to speakers from Russia,

Germany and South America for more insight into the history of Germans from Russia. Learn

about AHSGR online resources and records in Germany and Russia. View the premiere of the

Norka village film, entertainment by folksinger Jim Stevens, storyteller Bil Lepp and the Grand

Island Polka Band. A research room will provide Internet access and key documents from the

AHSGR Library. Librarian Diane Wilson and Village Coordinators will assist in research.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

More German Proverbs

Do right and shun no one.

Speaking comes by nature, silence by understanding.

No one betrays himself by silence.

Nothing dries sooner than tears.

A poor person isn't he who has little, but he who needs a lot.

What three know will soon be known to thirty.

He who thinks of death begins to live.

The morning hour has gold in its mouth.

Bad times make good men.

Forgiven is not forgotten.

FEEFHS Conference

Registration is now open for the 2016 Eastern European Family History Conference to be held August 8-12, 2016.  The program will be at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, convenient to the nearby Family History Library for research.

This year’s program is country-research-focused, with a full track on German research carrying over all three days, and extended Polish, Russian, and Austro-Hungarian research tracks. The FEEFHS board has been heavily involved in selecting just the right classes to provide both an introduction to researching in Eastern European countries as well as in-depth topics for more advanced researchers. Optional consultations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Visit the conference website for full details and registration information.