Thursday, January 25, 2018

Storytelling Contest

Among Germans from Russia, storytelling is an important oral and written tradition that ensures the continuation and enhancement of GR history and heritage among future generations of Germans from Russia.

The annual AHSGR Storytelling Contest invites both adults and youth to participate in this GR tradition by submitting stories related to Germans from Russia. They can be either fiction or non-fiction. Winning stories are presented at the Folklore Symposium at the annual convention and prize money is awarded.

This year, we’re trying something new: For youth (under 14), a video contest. Video stories can be anything from interviews to more produced stories; again, fiction or nonfiction, and up to 10 minutes in length.

Consider entering the 2018 AHSGR Storytelling Contest. The entry form will be available on our website next week; we’ll let you know when it’s there. But in the meantime, start thinking and creating – and pass the word along to others, AHSGR members and nonmembers alike.

If you have any questions, email Dan Moser at

Good luck and happy storytelling!

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