Thursday, October 17, 2019


AHSGR MAP13, Quadrant J-6, 41 49 N. 44 47 E.

It is imperative that we carefully locate the correct village of interest as there are numerous villages with the same or similar name.  Locate longitude and latitude along with maps.
The Caucasus is located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, also  including the Greater Caucasus mountain range, which has historically been considered a natural barrier between Eastern Europe and Western Asia.  The area contains Mount Elbrus, at 5,642 meters.

The Russian military established the Caucasus Line in 1735 then built numerous forts to protect their newly acquired land from Turkey.  In 1739 a treaty was established between Russia and Turkey.  The Russian government encouraged German peasants to relocate and establish villages in the Caucasus.
Black Sea immigrants also relocated to the Caucasus in the second half of the 19th century.   Need movement records.

The fertile soils of the Caucasus drew numerous families from various locations to the Caucasus.  Volga families relocated as family land was lessened by numerous sons; new farms were essential. Need movement records.

I have a few names of villagers, but am needing additional information to ensure we know as much as possible about these individuals and families. Parish locations would be helpful. Caucasus data is scarce; need census, Presbyterian and Catholic Church records, military and English publications. 
The Family History Library has publications in Russian, need translators.

Please contact me if you have additional information on this village.  
Thanks for the support.

Dee Hert
VC: Alexanderdorf and numerous other villages

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