Monday, May 25, 2009

More Pictures

Just a reminder that if you have pictures you'd like to share, I can post them. These pictures of my great-grandparents are quite spotted, but are still a treasure to me. They are Johann Ludwig Klamm and Anna Maria Constanz, from Warenburg, Russia. If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Next Chapter Meeting

For any of you who might have missed getting the email about our next chapter meeting on May 30th, here is the link to the map where our next meeting will be held:

West ValleyCity, UTLink:<,+Utah&ie=UTF8&split=0&gl=us&ei=Q6YISuLtI4-ctgOlzKHqCA&ll=40.701529,-111.943731&spn=0.011599,0.019312&z=16>

The clubhouse is located at 3040 Homecrest Street, situated inside the AmericanHeritage Retirement Community ( a mobile park). The easiest way to access it, is to enter on Homecrest from 3100 South. The clubhouse is on the West side of the street. If you have any questions, contact Suzanne H. Dodge by email.