Lincoln, Nebraska
1760s: Thirteen
British Colonies contained 2.5 million people.
1776: Founding
of America.
1860s - 1870s: Federal Policy favored immigration.
1862: Lincoln, Nebraska was founded on the wild salt marshes of Lancaster County.
1870: Burlington and Missouri River Railroad’s first train arrived June 26th.
1871: Midland
1872: Atchison and Nebraska
1872 – 1885: About 30 Germans from Russia arrived per year.
1877: Union Pacific
1886: Chicago
and Northwestern and Missouri Pacific
1886 – 1887: Severe
Winter of the Great Plains
1886 – 1892: Opportunities
arose in America.
1892: Lincoln
became a rail hub.
1893: Worldwide
Economic Depression
1893: US Depression
1898: Floodgates opened with 100-576 Germans from Russian individuals
1907: Naturalization
1909 - 1913: 3000 Germans from Russia arrived.
1914: The First World War begins.
1919: The United States Government enacts strict immigration laws which
greatly slow the tide of immigrants. Canada continues to receive German
immigrants from Russia.
1920: End of German publications. Twenty-five percent of Lincoln population
are Germans from Russia.
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