Sunday, February 21, 2021

Historical Timeline

The following two timelines are part of a presentation by Annette Adams, given at our latest Intermountain Chapter meeting.  You will find the information helpful if you are researching ancestors who came through Lincoln, Nebraska, on their journey in America.  

Saratow, Russia

1762: Catherine the Great issues first manifesto inviting foreigners

to settle Russia. No response.

1763: The second Manifesto issued. Thousands of colonists come

from Germany.

1764- 1768: German colonies are founded along the Volga River.

1861: Emancipation Reform of 1861 in Russia abolishes serfdom.

1871: The Imperial Russian government repeals the manifestos

of Catherine the Great and Alexander I. The German colonists

were to lose their special status and privileges and become subject

to Russian military service after a ten-year grace period.

1872- 1873: Several groups emigrated from the Odessa area to

Nebraska and the Dakotas. Scouts from other Black Sea

colonies and the Volga Colonies investigate opportunities in


1874: The Imperial Russian government amends the 1871

decree and institutes compulsory military conscription

of German colonists immediately. 375,000- 400,000 died.

1914: World War I begins.

1917: Political unrest in Russia leads to two revolutions

and the beginning of Soviet communist rule.

1920- 1923: Famine in Russia. Over 150,000 Volga

Germans die of starvation.

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