Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Note from Dee Hert

Anton, Russia

Research continues for the village of Anton.  Also known as Antonow, Antonowka, Sadovoye, Sebastinovka, Sebastjanowka, Sebastyanovka, Sewastjanowka, Sevastinovka, Sevastjanovka, Sevastyanovka (after 1941, Sadovoye)

Located at:  51º2' N 45º51' E.  Map #6 at AHSGR

Anton was found in 1764 by 270 Evangelical Lutherans- parish headquartered in the village of Messer.

Movement was recorded between Anton and the following villages: Alexanderdorf, near Tiflis in the Caucasus, Balzer, Franzosen, Kraft, Kukkus, Lauwe, Merkel, and Neu-Straub. As research continues I am sure there will be additional villages with connections to Anton.

My personal interest in Anton are the following surnames: Hert/Herdt, Hart/Hardt/Hard, Stark/Stork.  I am in the process of updating the surname database, which will be available at the AHSGR conventions.

Anton was industrious as it had a sugar beet factory owned and operated by Mr. Sigrist. Researchers have reported that the Anton villagers were originally from Thuringia, Germany. 
  • I am searching for the photo and additional history of the sugar beet factory.

The AHSGR village files index noted an article “History of Anton, by Emilie von Liphart, which is missing. 
  • I hope to locate a copy.

According to an article in “Die Lauwe Lampe”, Spring 2001 a surprising number of arranged marriages were from villages on the west side (bergseite) of the Volga. The colonies of Anton and Balzer were predominant sources for brides.

Die Welt-Post, Thursday, 8 December 1921, reported of hunger and starvation in Russia including the villages of Kukus, Dinkel, New Anton, and New Moor.

I accepted the position as Village Coordinator recently due to the fact that the position was vacant, and I wanted to further the history of my family.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or information to share; together we can answer some questions.

I plan to explore the availability of records in Russia.

Thanks to Sharon White for agreeing to assist!

Dee Hert
President and Membership Chair

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