Monday, April 24, 2017

June BBQ Picnic

We have the Lindon City Park pavilion reserved for a summer family picnic. The date is June 10th, beginning at 4:00 pm. We will plan to eat about  5 o'clock. BBQ chicken and sauerkraut & spare ribs will be provided for the main courses. Please bring a veggie dish, finger foods, or dessert of your choosing. In order to have enough chicken and kraut/ribs, please RSVP to this email with a head count and what food item you plan to bring. Drinking water and utilities are available on site.

The address is near 350 North State Street in Lindon, which is about a block south of the Pizza Factory and Los Hermanos restaurants on the east side of the street. It is about 3 blocks north of the intersection of 2000 North (Orem) and State Street. Play equipment is available for children.This is a time to eat, relax and visit.
We hope you can make it!!!

Book Review

I located this book at the Family History Library and thought it would be helpful for researches.  The call number is INT 947.7 F2g and was composed by Dr. Adam Giesinger of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia; the North Dakota GR ‘s.
I found the information fascinating, it may or may not be an area I need to research; I will not know the personal value until I investigate.  Even if I do not locate family members I will learn more about the geography and culture of the area.  Keep in mind that this type of record may be available for your area of interest. Please share what you learn.

Reports of 1942-1943 from German Villages in the Ukraine.
A list of the types of reports prepared:
·         The German and Russian names of the village, its date of founding and its location.
·         The population and the number of families, classified as to the ethnic group, as of June 1, 1941 and also the German population at some earlier dates.
·         Number of ethnically mixed marriages and the number of children of such marriages.
·         The present German population classified as men, women, and children.
·         Number of families without male heads.
·         Origins, in Germany, of the forefathers of the inhabitants or, if it was a daughter colony, the mother colony from which they came.
·         Type of school(s) in the village, social clubs, libraries, theatres, projection equipment, choirs and bands.
·         Health and welfare institutions of the village, doctors, nurses, midwives: the state of health of the inhabitants.
·         Whereabouts of the church records of births, marriages, and deaths.
·         Economic situation in the village, land being farmed, livestock, and crop yields.
·         Special hardships under the Communist regime, number of famine deaths, people murdered during the civil war, people arrested and deported to slave labor, experiences since the outbreak of the war in June 1941.
·         List of inhabitants, arranged in family groups with surname and given name, occupation, date of birth, place of birth, and religious denomination.
·         List of murdered by revolutionary armed bands during the civil war period.
·         List of those who died in the famines of 1921-1922 and 1933-1934.
·         List of those deported to slave labor camps in the 1930’s.
·         List of those taken away from the village after the outbreak of war in June 1941
·         List of the young men from the village serving in the Red army.
·         Village plan and a map showing the location of the village.
·         A questionnaire of special interest to genealogists, asked of each family.

The microfilm information is listed in this publication.

Submitted by Dee Hert

AHSGR Birth and Death Records

Folks: We are excited to announce two additions to the American Historical Society for Germans from Russia online bookstore: 1794-1825 Laub, Tarlyk, Russia Birth Records Volume 1 and 1826-1833 Laub, Tarlyk, Russia Death Records. Both publications feature color photographs and are available online at; there, click on Online Store and then Birth and Death Records.
The birth records publication sells for $55 to members, $65 to nonmembers, and the death records publication sells for $35 for members and $45 for nonmembers.
Dan Moser, editorial and publications coordinator, AHSGR

Storytelling Contest

A reminder: The deadline for the annual AHSGR Storytelling Contest is fast approaching. All entries must be submitted by May 15.
Among Germans from Russia, storytelling is an important oral and written tradition that ensures the continuation and enhancement of GR history and heritage among future generations of Germans from Russia. It is this tradition the contest helps promote.
Both youth and adults are welcome to participate. Stories can be either fiction or nonfiction. Winning stories are presented at the Folklore Symposium at the annual convention and prize money is awarded.
Details and entry forms are available on the AHSGR website and Facebook page.
Just follow instructions carefully and send all stories, completed forms, photos and other materials by email attachment to or by regular mail to AHSGR Storytelling Contest, 631 D St., Lincoln, NE 68502-1199. Entry deadline is May 15.
Winners and honorable mentions will be announced at the convention in Milwaukee, Wis., in August.
Germans from Russia

The local chapter of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia ( invite you to join us at the Scottish Festival.

Locate the “Germans from Russia” booth and we will explain our unique culture.

July 7 and 8, 2017
Payson, Utah

Contact the local chapter for further information, membership, and research assistance.

Village Coordinators

Special appreciation is expressed to individuals who have agreed to take on the important task of Village Coordinator.

Please remember that in order to succeed we must all share information that may be of value to others.  Information can be shared via email to chapter members, sent to village files and anyone having an interest. While conducting research, and you happen to locate an interesting tidbit of data, please pause for a moment and consider who might find this information of value.

Notice the diverse geographical areas represented, the GR's were mobile people for various reasons.

Lets play it forward and share your research sites, how you gather and store data; please reply to all.  I will compile a master list of ideas.

  • Newsletters, 
  • EWZ records (Odessa3), 
  • Immigration, 
  • National Archives
  • Germans from Russia Heritage Society
  • Germanic Genealogy Society
  • State Historical Societies
  • Family History Library
  • Russian Archives
  • Google

Numerous villages remain unattended and are desperately in need of a vc; if you are interested please step forward and offer to cover one or more of these open villages. Village Coordinator data is available at  A vc must be a member of AHSGR, sign a contact and agree to abide by all terms and conditions.  Another value to becoming a vc is access to an on-line vc link to share ideas and ask questions of other vc's.

Village Coordinator information is available at other organizations interested in gathering similar data. A good example is the North Dakota Germans from Russia Heritage Society  

Perhaps you would be interested in assisting in some capacity.

Intermountain Chapter Village Coordinators (to date)

Ansley, Shirley
Neu-Hussenbach, Gashon, Samara

Eickbush, Fran 
Neu-Arzis, Akkerman, Bessarabia
Neuburg, Grossliebental, Odessa, Kherson

Gertge, Joe (w/Nick and Barbara Bretz)
Rothammel, Saratov, Volga

Hert, Dee
Blumenfeld, Stavropol, North Caucasus
Alexanderdorf, Volga
Alexander-Höh, Samara, Volga
Anton, Saratov, Volga, (with Sharon)
6 additional villages pending

Hertz, Brad

Oryall, Gwen

Stone, Sheri
Hussenbach, Linevo Ozero, Saratov, Volga

Weber, Darrell
Balzer, Saratov, Volga

White, Sharon
Straub, Samara, Volga
Warenburg, Samara, Volga (w/Ron Brott)

Research Classes

Eastern European Family History Conference
July 17-21, 2017
Plaza Hotel, SLC

Research Center for the State Archives and Utah State History
Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm
300 S. Rio Grande St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

British Institute
18-22 September 2017
Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, SLC
Reservations 800-366-3684